
  • Design

This is going to be a startup about psychology. Let’s say it's a anonymous social network that people help each other. All of us have something that could tell to no one else. So, we thought maybe being anonymous could make people more comfortable to talk about their personal problems, and have a better life with it.


My Role

I was product designer whom also talked about business and marketing.

Product Roadmap

This one had no benchmark, so it was one of the most challenging apps for us. we had to think about funnels and make it as simple and anonymous as possible. I designed some pages and made a prototype based on it. for testing we used that prototype with people and changed multiple parts of it to make it clearer. Actually, after some tests, we made a decision about removing some parts of the app that we thought are going to be more important to the user, but our testers would notice that.

Homepage (reply to messages)
Add mood (before message text)
Chat page
Writing a message
